Generated Reports

This document provides an overview of the various reports that are automatically generated by Maven Each report is briefly described below.


Document Description
Checkstyle Report on coding style conventions.
Cobertura Test Coverage Cobertura Test Coverage Report.
CPD Report Duplicate code detection.
FindBugs Report Generates a source code report with the FindBugs Library.
JavaDocs JavaDoc API documentation.
Jira Report Report on Issues from the JIRA Issue Tracking System.
Plugin documentation This report provides goals and parameters documentation of a plugin
PMD Report Verification of coding rules.
QALab Main Report QALab Report.
QALab Movers Report The QALab Movers Report.
Source Xref HTML based, cross-reference version of Java source code.
StatSCM Source Code Management Metrics.
Surefire Report Report on the test results of the project.
Tag List Report on various tags found in the code.
Test JavaDocs Test JavaDoc API documentation.
Test Source Xref HTML based, cross-reference version of Java test source code.