
Configuring the plugin in pom.xml

You can merge the following configuration in your pom.xml to run the StatSCM Plugin everytime the project site is built.


Configuring the plugin with options in pom.xml

You can add some options to configure how StatSCM generates its reports when the project site is built. Not all options are shown below but a smattering of useful ones.

                                                <nonDeveloperLogin>Admin Smith</nonDeveloperLogin>
                                                <nonDeveloperLogin>Oleg Developer</nonDeveloperLogin>

Configuring to not generate a StatSCM report in this child pom.xml

You can add the 'skip' option to tell StatSCM to NOT generate any report in this project when the parent project includes StatSCM in its reports section. (Normally, without this, the reports for the parent are inheirited by the child.


Building the Project site.

Run the following command to build a project site. If the above report plugin setting includes StatSCM, the StatSCM report will be generated along with any others specified.

mvn site