Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException
net.sf.statcvs StatCVS main package containing the command line launcher and some core classes. 
net.sf.statcvs.ant Package for the StatCVS Ant task. 

Uses of ConfigurationException in net.sf.statcvs

Methods in net.sf.statcvs that throw ConfigurationException
static void Main.generateDefaultHTMLSuite()
          Generates HTML report.

Uses of ConfigurationException in net.sf.statcvs.ant

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.ant that throw ConfigurationException
protected  void StatCvsTask.initProperties()
          method initializes the ConfigurationOptions object with received values.

Uses of ConfigurationException in net.sf.statcvs.output

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.output that throw ConfigurationException
 void UrlCssHandler.checkForMissingResources()
          We could check here if there is a real CSS file at the URL, but this would require net access, so we just do nothing.
 void LocalFileCssHandler.checkForMissingResources()
          Checks if the local CSS file exists
 void DefaultCssHandler.checkForMissingResources()
          No external resources are necessary for default CSS files, so nothing is done here
 void CssHandler.checkForMissingResources()
          Checks if all necessary resources are available.
protected  void CommandLineParser.checkForRequiredArgs()
protected  boolean CommandLineParser.doChildrenSwitch(java.lang.String s)
          Give the argument to children classes that may have a way to recognise it.
 void CommandLineParser.parse()
          Parses the command line and sets the options (as static fields in ConfigurationOptions).
protected  void CommandLineParser.parseSwitch(java.lang.String switchName)
static void ConfigurationOptions.setCheckedOutDirectory(java.lang.String checkedOutDirectory)
          Sets the checkedOutDirectory.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setConfigFile(java.lang.String propertiesFilename)
          Set the config file that may contain user details.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setCssFile(java.lang.String cssFile)
          Sets the cssFile.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setLogFileName(java.lang.String logFileName)
          Sets the logFileName.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setNotesFile(java.lang.String notesFile)
          Sets the name of the notes file.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setOutputDir(java.lang.String outputDir)
          Sets the outputDir.
static void ConfigurationOptions.setOutputFormat(java.lang.String outputFormat)
static void ConfigurationOptions.setSymbolicNamesPattern(java.lang.String symbolicNamesPattern)

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