net.sf.statcvs.ant.StatCvsTask | Line |
This supports just a single value, but should support multiple login names -- how? | 280 |
net.sf.statcvs.charts.ChartImage | Line |
Better integrate all charts with ReportConfig | 15 |
net.sf.statcvs.charts.LOCChartMaker | Line |
At least the single-series charts should be done by TimeLineChartMakers | 40 |
net.sf.statcvs.charts.SymbolicNameAnnotation | Line |
Move vertically to accommodate annotations that are close together | 34 |
net.sf.statcvs.input.CvsLogfileParser | Line |
uncomment when tag/branch reports are added boolean isLogWithoutSymbolicNames = false; | 75 |
net.sf.statcvs.model.Commit | Line |
Rename getAuthor() to getLogin(), getAffectedFiles() to getAffectedFileNames() (or change to return CvsFiles?) | 32 |
net.sf.statcvs.model.Directory | Line |
Rename getCurrentLOC to getCurrentLines or getCurrentLineCount | 32 |
net.sf.statcvs.model.Repository | Line |
Rename class to Repository, getCurrentLOC to getCurrentLines, getAuthors to getLogins | 33 |
Change getCommits to SortedSet | 34 |
Fix this ugly hack! | 79 |
net.sf.statcvs.model.Revision | Line |
Replace type code with hierarchy | 36 |
Rename class to Revision, getAuthor() to getLogin(), isDead() to isDeletion() | 37 |
remove all deprecated methods when they are no longer used by StatCvs-XML | 320 |
net.sf.statcvs.model.VersionedFile | Line |
Rename class to something like VersionedFile, getCurrentLinesOfCode() to getCurrentLines(), maybe getFilenameXXX, isDead() to isDeleted() | 34 |
net.sf.statcvs.output.ConfigurationOptions | Line |
Should be moved to more appropriate package and made non-public | 52 |
net.sf.statcvs.output.CssHandler | Line |
Should be refactored into something that produces a ReportFile, which has methods getURL() and write() and can be added to report pages. | 32 |
net.sf.statcvs.pages.HTML | Line |
Can we turn this into an abstract base class of MarkupHTML and MarkupXDoc? | 15 |
Replace everything *but* known good characters, instead of just evil ones | 161 |
net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml.MarkupXML | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 24 |
Auto-generated method stub | 29 |
Auto-generated method stub | 34 |
Auto-generated method stub | 43 |
Auto-generated method stub | 48 |
Auto-generated method stub | 53 |
Auto-generated method stub | 58 |
Auto-generated method stub | 63 |
net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml.XML | Line |
Can we turn this into an abstract base class of MarkupHTML and MarkupXDoc? | 13 |
Replace everything *but* known good characters, instead of just evil ones | 114 |
net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel.Column | Line |
this is probably unnecessary; better add a getTitle method | 47 |
net.sf.statcvs.reports.LOCSeriesBuilder | Line |
Replace by a custom LocTimeSeriesReport | 17 |
net.sf.statcvs.util.FileUtils | Line |
Remove redundancy, write tests | 35 |